Where's Meredy's Mug?

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Contact us

If you have information that could help us track down Meredy's mug please get in touch and you may earn a reward. Please send us details of any sightings of Meredy's mug.


We have evidence that the fiends responsible for kidnapping Meredy's mug are professional terrorists with high-level connections all over the world. If you see one of these scallywags do not approach them. Back away slowly and do not make any jerky movements. When you are a suitable distance, run away.

Following the recent prosecution of the unfortunate incident with the soft end of a badger, a pint of yoghurt and a spatula, the Committee Organised for Crimes against Kitchenware has been forced to close our offices (It also means the reward will be rather small). Don't bother writing to us or calling us, we now only exist on the interweb. You can email us at:


a badger and some yoghurt

A badger, some yoghurt and a spatula. A High Court Judge recently ruled the combination "sick, perverted and disgusting." Nobody knows why.